The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

for Colored 1. 1 MATTHI AS lid ner iM'ei for 5n! Lit SMIVrLY Aiea," 4f.ii'.' I H'l no rtuwn Pii-ipfnt, 4 KiUltefi. ulMilv fnnnl. icmim fiiim M. Lawrror Chun ami Urae Unilscpeil Inl; hv appolllt-ni, nl only.

Mr. HIGHHAUGH AMI llH.IIBAT'Glf ,11) 4 Hill WE 7-ll'i'i SMIVtLYj 3 or 4 bisliKOiu stmie: enrhwed hiee7.eway; M-i baliin; HI rixited pallo; In living room and basem*nt; sealel banemenl; large lot; lovely alirul; exceptionally nice; owner. hP SHIVELY1, Liura; retluc-ed only H)0: 2 beiarwnns; utrture window; laj'fe lae lot, $ilt)0 down. Bob Collins, EM COIXINS. Realtor EM SHIVELY; just listed, lovely i bedroom brick home, nothing down to displaced person.

Mary Norton. EM 3-4IW3. niCKlE ft PRIDIlY CO, EM 57! SHIVELY area; Woodlatui Dr. New 1 bedroom frame; large shady lot; only term. bwope, EM 8-4192.

HUDSON Realtors. SP 8-8478. SHIVELY; new 3 bedroom brtrk or stone homes, decorated, fireplace, baaementa, up. Builder, WA 1-91 SHIVILY, iiaFTDndaay: brick: i bedrooma; baaement; garage: must sell; vacant. Broker, TW 3-7582.

SHIVILY, Wurtele Ave. 4 bedrooms, baaement, convenient, SP 8-1065, agent-owner. SHIVILY," brick 3 bedroom, coun-try kitchen, garage; F.H.A. ONLY $400 down. Agent, GL 4-7483.

SOUTH Central; Wurtele; 3 bedrooms, finished basem*nt; awnings; garage: driveway: $11,800. SOUTH END, 1451 Strader. EXTRA CORNER LOT. Room for garden and peta, all fenced; street a made; acrosa from Jacoba Addition school; large rooms, bath; new cabinet in kitchen, NOTHING IOWN If you are displaced; $350 down It S', Charlie Brown, EM EM 3-1220. J.

MANUEL, lay. neaitor. Where You Buy With Confidence. "SOUTH END." Kenwood Hills. 5411 Winding Rd, Owner leaving town aaya sell thl lovely 3 bedroom brick ranch home with big, dining room; large living room with fireplace: full basem*nt with garage: lot xl50.

Price only on city ewer; quick Snsscssion. Ir McBride, EM 1-7804, EM 1-4581, J. MANUEL LAY. hValtor. Where You BuyWlth Confidence.

SOUTH-END "JUST LUSTED NO DOWN PAYMENT To displaced persons, payment of StlS per month, include taxes and insurance, now doesnl that sound nn Uiia nearly new i ie a home, with rooms and bath. clean es pin, floors, fenced ard. Lottie Bur- "wutvvk To dumlaced persona; lovely 1 bedroom bungalow; utility room; gae furngee; tiyrm; Venetian bllnda. Hi car garage; made atreeta, ld- EM $-1804. TM 4Ml.

J. MANUEL LAY. Realtor Where You Buy WlthConlidenc. "SOUTH END." Lovely bedroom ranch: extra larg living roomand kitchen: hardwood floor. 'ulb-ment celled, tUe floor nd bar fenced lot 65x150.

already finance .4 asslimA La-sin stf SIl Southslde Ct. Make offer Crave. ATOMREALTYCO. JU08M KenwoodlliU Rd. Park Setting Mi acres, tile bath down, bedroom, tile bath up, mahogany rcretion room In basem*nt.

Will trad rkown am area, John Lawaon, EM CO. EM 4-2111 SOUTH END. Kenwood eectloni 410 Orchard Hill Dr SOMETHING SPECIAL! 1 bedroom atone. I'l baths, etn. Ished baement: family room, nuo, real buy.

Mr. riichmn SP RUSS GAILOR. Realtor EM SflJL. SOUTH END, 4J so. sra Larg brick home with 4 bedroom, dining room, fi replace, basem*nt, garage.

Enclosed porch. Priced to ll at $13,950. Herman Reber Em I-T7U or Em. 8-I878. 7.

ETT Of FOR TN, RR ealtor. "SOUTH' END. Dresden: newly decorated, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, basem*nt, garagei aim porrhj bargain at Sll.950. EM 1-8187, Blghta. F-M JAMES JONES REALTY CO.

SOUTH END; beautiful living room; large kitchen and bath; 2 bright bedrooms; front porch: atorm door and windows; only down. Sir. Hensley. agent. GEO.

BUISSON CO WO 4-068! GL1-IB4 SOUTH HNU E- Only VV You must aw thla nice .1 bedroom older home, paneled family room; just off Crittenden Dr. priced to fast. EM 4-011. 0 PRIESTJRealtor13M 1-8T73. SOUfH END, 2734 New High.

4 room house, bath, new forced air furnace, 1 block from bus; oniy 4500 down, $54 per month. Call Mr. Rayburn, EM 1-7371 or Mr. Colston, EM 8 2228. BOES REAL ESTATE EM S-W3S.

SOUTH END, 3418 DeArcy; rooms and bath. Modern throughout, knotty pine kitchen, painted walls, large shaded lot, double garage. Terma to 'u; Call Mr. Bailey F-M 1-0114 JU J. 5807 H.

M. PUN JU 3-3808 SOUTH END, 124 E. Ashland, at 1st lovely l's story brick home; basem*nt; 4 bedroom; 1 porcne; larg lot: garage; only $15,950. Mr. Ileuer, EM 1-7129 11.

CIBSON, Realtor EMJ-S541 SOUTH End: extractive 1 bedroom frame; utility room; large con-Crete block garage: close to everything; full price, $9,900. 41.000 oflvrn; A. Webb, builder -agent. WA 1-5183 SOUTH F-ND; beautiful bedroom Bedford stone ranch, full basem*nt, large concrete patio, screened In porch; garage) block JAMIS ALLF-V CO. EM 1-041 SOUTH END, Berry Blvd.

neat and clean, room. bth. 1st floor; I up- bath In basem*nt: bargain at onlv S10.950. EM 1-8181. MmVT JONES REALTY SOUTH END.

4JoO Brook. Modern 4 room bungalow: ga furnace; garage; only $7,150. Mr. Yuhr, $-8581, mh hv Res tor i -urM. rn4uw li 1 bed room frame, large kitchen-family room, full basem*nt, shady lot; garage.

AN T-MJ7 REALTY TW S-5434 SOUTH End; neat 3 bedroom bungalow; 1 block to bus, near shopping, srhooi. churche; very clean; only (8.950. C. Coins. FlM RUSS GAILOR.

RealtorEM 8 2.177. SOUTH END. 1528 Sle; cottage: 1 roums, bath; glassed hack porch, front porch; basem*nt; hardwood floor: bua 1 block: Ideal for older couple: Jf7.0n0.Ownr. EM -32tg. SOUTH END; cottage, 4 large room and bath; A condition; $5.

250; small down payment, bal- 'uu. l.TSAt lev iirjt SOUTH End: hew brfck; 1 bed room, baaement, corner lot. only $12 511. EM S-l-Hfl. unliTHl.AND CO.

REALTORS SOUTH "END, near Seagram's; 1 bedroom mooern; gas im, quick possession. i 7nllM Weal I or JU 3-7541 'SOUTH-END, 4807 Cliff; 2it4- room, baaement, ga neai; bus, achool. churche; open, LM ttrtm. SOUTrTEND. 53ST'enon; room, bsem*nt; only low down BoVS'kEAL ESTATE EM J-W39.

SOUTH END; 4 room, bath oot-te, $5850; Night: EM 1-7474 WISEIIEART ft HUSTON JU 1-4881 SOUTHSIDI Ct. W. 339; owner mov-Ing aoon, room, basem*nt, city aewera; on bua line: $2. OHO down, lint loan. CH 5-50S4.

THIENEMAN BUILDERS. EM 4-8588 SOUTHVIIw Terraoe, off Pelatka Rd; 1093 bedroom Bedford tone; with utility room 4 closets, til bath, pull down stair: 1 car garage, with water nd gai: tot lOxloO feet, attractive yard, fenced. Arch Staluu-d, Realtor JU 3-3M8 SPRING Carden Ut Open All Day Mil south of Buechel. block off ii -1 1 hed- rrnim bnck. stone front, basem*nt.

nacneu iv i Inmullit, nnmmM- aton. II rash will handle, assume 4.5,000 F.H.A. loan. Consider trade. Mr.

Stuart, WO (-0830. WO U-7SH. KINKEAD JU-tiiig ST. DENIS area; Patricia Dr. 3217, 1 blocks south of Crume Lane off Cane Run Rd.i 4 bedroom brick: 1 a iuii, Mi.m...-., storm door and windows; large lol.

lenceo; nice garurn; iinwim- rles. raspberries, pesch trees; lota nf flowers and shrubbery; by own er. SP 4-2984. ST. MATTHEWS, First offering.

4007 Hill.sboro Rd. fin I gt'U 3 vtBei WVU, xr es i sssr esa i' hath down, larg room irvd bAth up firwplto in livirvn room, opw ln onto porch, baemmt. fenced yard, far, beautiful .1 wxsasass Hal lea.a, save llr to our bet whoo'-i, churche. bu line; 1 01 new, GL t-W23. A.

JR. nUMBKRS CO RFALTOR.1 IT. MATTMiW NEAR EVKRV CONVENTRNCE spic ana tvpsn iptu rmiii nini that radiate charm, honest to good- llsr uiliiiigl lutini, i -V iptrssr irg aisraii arttantauva creened porch cool inn pnvaiv, 11111 DiwrnfTii, rur heat: owner leaving city aeo the yjiru at t.7 mwnunin i 'i and call Mr. Miller, TW 8-2471, TUT Tl '2 J. ASHRV MILLER C0.Beltor ITT MATTHEWS AREA Open Sunday 1 tl I 3S03 Winchester Broedflelds; 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, basem*nt, central air conditioning, city sew er, owner transferred.

MUST SELL. rr.tnnr uannia rn Hoo to, IP I.AKB In 5 room itiwhle g.caa'e. t- f) rf, hv nl- LVTLI M. 4 tiathj' IMl $, Mltll, I'Hil A. SI.

817; 1 block south of Winkler, belivccn 8iii and llintinaii; 5 riMwn ami halh hom*o; atoi'in H.n furnace; In perti-rt conillttonl nice ncialilwuhood; K. F. Mf.l.M'.lt il. NKWBURO ltd aia 3 beilroom home. down, EM l-Ststl.

E. F. METZNKB. Realtor JU 4,1384 ORMSSY. 'W. down, 4" large room and bath: excellrnA condition: balance like rent, hm 7-8107, NlghU, EM $1X114. JAMES f. JONES REALTY I I 1 1 Wi 429 4 room Eng I i ah Tudor: 3 bedrooms, baaement; ga furnace; side drive; 1 car garagei asking $14,500. McGlLL A MrCILL SP I-811I.

W. Broadway SriAiTA 4509; 3 beHropmr tile bath, plenty of closets, bulft In kitchen cabinets, central gas heal, large landscaped lot, city sewers, utilities, near achools, churches, and shopping, nothing down, ne) closing costs, all you need to buy thla home Is $73 month an why rent when you can own your ewn home this easy way. LINCOLN PARK SUBDIVISION 4K) Indian Trail. W0 9 3281, YTOTL AVENUE 111; South or Frankfort at Blind Institute; 4 room bungalow, $7,930 larg loan ran assumed. Call TW 4-0741 or JU Eaat End Office TW S-0M1 CAREY REALTOR WIST "END.

810 tlal," frme" home. rooms and 1st floor; staira to floored attic: basem*nt, ga heat, amail down payment will handl. Evening, Mr. Hayes, TW 5 2780. STATE HOME LOAN CORP.

JU 4-41U7 Realtora 110 8. 4th. WIST END; thla is a nice 1 family home or excellent incom property! rooms and bath up room ana bath down; fenced yard; convenient to everything. Mr. er Mr.

Goodwin, KM 3-4IM0 G. E. BUISSON, Re.ltor WA 1J07I i WIST END, 140 Dearborn Ave. 1 large mom; screened front porchi -basem*nt; garag; A-l condltloni only $500 down to displaced persons; must se to appreciate, Mr, Hoal, GL 1-1318. RUSS GAILOR.

Realtor EM I-W71. WIST END. 3404 Grand; 5 rooms nd bath; full basem*nt, gag furnace: new glassed In front porch: low down payment for displaced. person Vie Muccl, GL 3-9431, JU 3 0.5X1 McDONOCH. REALTORS I ST END, 2401 W.

rooms, 2 batha, part basem*nt, 2J0 wiring, newly decorated In- id and out, Iti car garag, Mr. Thomaaon. GL EARL E. BROWN CO. JW 4-2221 WIST" END: 1811 "Duncan: large' rooma, bath, 1 furnace, atorm win- dows and doors, prlr $8,000: 43ta) U- mAAtm.

Mr. Samuels, EM o-3rVsaV STATE REALTY CO. PU-VM. Like New brick; 4 bedrooms, fam- tly kitchen; til bath; basem*nt! look and compare; only 412,850. Mr, Yuhr.

GL E. F. Mi-COY Realtor TW IM48J WIST 41st; bungalow, I bedrooma, bsth full basem*nt, 1 car garage; Mr. Lipscomb. CE 4-7810.

BUCKNr.R RKALTYCOSP WIST" New 3 bedroom homes, $250 down. Klrchdorfer, Realtor. JUMIO 13RD, 4 rooma, bath. $on down, month. Price $6,250.

TW 1-6848, Main Office JU CAREY SMTTH REALTOR WEST END SPfX'IA! 1401 Catalpa: duplex $10,300. 842 South Kith: duplex $8,500. $11 South 42nd; room 131 sVmlh 42nd; 4 rooms sum s-w s-imrs i EAR LE. BR OW CO,,. Rsol Estate for Exchange.

10S lt6uiinarkiMUArres. Sfltirjos." samine; 9 betlroom brick: garagei comer tot: will trade $5,000 equity and furniture for 1 bedroom trailer. WA CHEROKEE-RdT" 1 brick, Incrsne, $303 per month! price, $2800; will trade for miUe home. SACRA 4 FOSTER, Realtors GL 1-0820 GL 44 Wontd-Rol Estate 10 iff In town. "We Build end Trad M.

L. HALE Rsaltors EM 3-3 AFAR TMINTl' or homes, new or' old, needed now, buyer waiting. Grave Realty Company, JU 1-J4TI, Nights WA LSvii BUNGALOW, Investment urban property; cash In a hurrv. GARFEIN CO. Realtor JU 4-8724 r.

tl IVI I I Willi u.i. ania ra.JS. 4 loans, have buyers SACRA FOSTERS, Realtor. C.L I4H20. GL 1-1988.

GL 1 to room, we pay cash. buy FHA, Gl. houses Jtl J. 0. Hawking GL SOUTH END WANTED COTTAGE OE BUNGALOW I to rooms, cash must have possession by July and.

Call today atir. Mr. Cunningham TTM 1-1770. Mr. Lav.

FM M51. FM 1-1414, 1. MANUEL LAV. Realtor We buy, sell and trade, call u. "HIGHLANDS," need 1 and 4 bed.

rooms with basem*nts; raah buvere. KRTf'N REALTY Realtor 1811 Bardstown Rd CL 1-5865 NEED bulne' listing, $5,000 anot up; also fieed listings for homes, commercial and industrial property, Mr. Maver, GL 4-OVnn. KINKEAD CO. Realtor JU 4-OHI FAST End" house or Inveatment.

selling real estate 3 generation BUTTON EWINtJ CO. JU 4 2349.. YOUR PATRONAGE and our erv. Ire bring JU 4-531, SP 2-0745. HILL DALEREAI.TYW..

"BROWNSBORO "Rd. nd St. Mat. the area listings wanted, Harrr E.Hamllton.TW S-183. i "BEIIKD In your pavmeriu-T3oN't" AlTl Call ua, day or night, we have cash buyers waiting.

GOLDEN RULE, INC. JU T-St-M. BROKER need listing for colored nvwhere: Soulhwirk bueia witn ca.h waiting. SP CXsirtH IChTfor your cotug oe mall bungalow. JU 5 5807 H.

M. DUNN JU 5804 TOP cash price for your cottage of bungalow. SP r. J. WOLKfNG.

Realt-sr PRIVATE inventor, pay CASH for your cottage. Mr. Alice. TW $717 MackLJU 4 0111, IOL30Jo 1. Building 107 V1IX build" 1 bedroom bru-; llaW door, porch, bgaement; 111.500 upi trade.

Rodulfo Realty, Builders, Developers. WA 1-4830. GL LET buiid your new born; our -plani or your. TW $-5778. JjriCraven.Realtor-Buildef Kent Eitote 101 TTstTNCS" NEEDED: are sold out; have 10 aggressive men wns will give your home their undivided attention with ample adverts.

ing; don't miss this opportunity sell. Call Jack Carroll, JU a-cavn. H. M.DUNN JUAi' l)R quirk reaTestate sale or trade i call 7.ETTWOCH FOMTNER I. a nisi I k.

A rA-e fa w. ti i 't i ta Oi ruiwigi, WO 9-7401, or J. E. 1-1140. Auction Sale.

10 BABY fARM 11 ROLLING ACREat At absoi.utbj AUtnoN Saturday. June II 10 AM, ft mile northeast of Bortion. 4 mile west of Memphis on Iaisy Hill Road fat Waahmgton County, Indiana. Follow sign from Memphis or Bon, den. High and dry, convenient.

Ideal location, beautiful buildmgT ol, basem*nt already dug. Good gravel all weather road, on mail and school bus route. Close to 2 churches and utility ervices. Good water vein. Joining land available.

acres cleared for cultivation. balance In timber, mostly poplar and Beech. ree from all encumbrance. Ore, portunitles such a thu are fevg and far between. retainer Itvu mediately, balance on contract with, low monthly payment If desired.

Gilbert and Martha fechmuek, Own W. WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEFR sell everything EveryiJiin ells." WH 5-0233 ER YT1 liNG-COFS TONIGHT AT 1 P.M. LnrsJ wholesaler screaming for rash. He says, "Sell, regardless trl my cost" PUBLIC AUCTION OF NEW NATIONAL BRANDS Partial list: POWER MOWERS: fans: fishing tackle; sporting gooda; mnvls still camera; coolers; lawn furniture, etc. i BEDROOM, dinette set; lentnst mattresses (nrthopecHei; sewlaig ma- a chine, vacuums; television! appliance: etc.

CANNED GOOD- randies: tools, cfikna; wati-has; Uanaistnr radios. etc. TIME PAYMENT PLAV Free door prixea. Nothing to bur. AUCTIONS 5252 llx Hgwy.

LlyUIDATfON AUCTION For the account of Mount's Hard ware and Service Station: Sal Ira estion. 4400 Cane Rim Rd. Satur. day, June 11, 18 and 2(1, 10 30 a m. I) Sale will corvsl-a nf mer-" chandlse as would be found In A general hardware store and eerv.

Ire station. See Friday' paper, thie elassirii-atlon for detailed d. O. M. "REE" TAUS-I' Auctioneer a 8-4AWI NEW FURNITURE AUCTION consisting of all types nf eerly American reproduction In cherry.

pine and maple. Friday, June in, tjo p.ivt. Sale The Colonial Sho, Evrgren Rd Aachorage.Kjf, O. "REE" FAUST1 Auctioneer EM 4-44 RFMftvxrTfr-rioN -y iJr A IUWrimj, TT I 1 1 1 1 Mips. i lltlT-lftfeTT.

Jim 1, I. I. 2X18 w. Market 111' ri.m, Ioi lesse, must empty lyittirt- ns; all kkid good new and usee! miscellaneous items WEST END AUCTION HOUS17 AUCTION Wednesday 1:30 rrV rear Ponlsr Isrvel Rd. And Tndlaa Trail; refrtgerartor.

tleviiron-dishes, tools, HRveral lot 4) tvssj and used merchaivtl. I HI A 1 unipn-led 71 and ic, ,1 ilr nesi- Hun Air aiiii 3 be.inioin In k' Birch CiltneU. OMUH.ll WOO'l- uurk; lari-e chisrt; pamieil, walls; tile blh. In Hie Willi wwes.l, hlf-cU. JM.Hifl and $,4.

(Ml. 11. A. and conventional financial; open I iirdav and Sunday. R.

I. Lewis, ilmliler. l- NTRAL CONSTRUCTION CO ME 7-14B4. EM MW9. HIGHLANDS, 'Xfri I'llkiH lai aia'loua 3 bedroom brick home wJth cftppeting in Hvlna room anil dining area; full basem*nt; fence-d yai-d; price 15AK1.

Sir. Wrock-la, C.L 2-3131. Town ft Country. Realtor JU HIGHLANDS, 1ST TIME OFFERED: 3ii'jl Seneca red brick. 4 bexlraoma, I complete boiHa, full basem*nt, fool family room on 1st floor, by owner.

Gt, 8-17y4, HIGHLANDS, 1 bliKk" from St. Francis; 4 bedroom brick; corner lot; 3 car garage; want offer. Mr. Young. CL last, TRI-C1TY REALTY CO.

CL HIGHLANDS, lower Vacant 5 rooms and bath, near 1 hospital; Priced right; easily financed. wts R. Long, Realtor, 4-21 HIGHLANDS) 3 "bedroom bungalow extra lot; many extra. $13,950. 2rHa Gardiner Lane.

CL 4-0TI93. HIOHLANDS, 26.12 ljndorf" ibeit room, 2 oath, den; 2 car garage; Jaement; 319.300. Owner. C.L l-7ft3U HIKES Lane; down F.H.A, OPEN DAILY 10 to 4 P.M. New brick home In rhoic Bast EjuI localion: Klondike Acre; easy financing; WK TRADE: sale of-fice, on Graf off Klondike Ijin.

Murray, C.I, 1-2518. Bass ft Welsberg Realtor CLl-2fir, HIKIS Point'area, aXM'Tris Way. No down payment, closing coert only. Newly decorated 4 bedroom brick, dining area, 1 full hatha, basem*nt, large lot. Ask about trade.

See anytime, Mr. Siegwald, HK.HHAUGH ft HIGHBAL'GH JU 4-8111 JVE 7-t: HIKIS Point bedroom brick: full baaement: cloae to eehootg and churches: luuma G- I. loan: immediate possession, 3721 Rouge Way, CL 4-54H. INDIAN HILLS 103 1NDIAV TRAIT, Exceptionally well built 5 bedroom 1 bath home; large panelled family room, reoreation room, central air conditioning, aervants room and baih ovr garage, on almost an aor lot. Very well located, land-aoaped.

Priced low. Appointment. C. Norman. TW 8-X.

PAUL SEMONIN COMPANY JIT Realtor 451Starks Bldg. INDIAN TRAIL." W. 1113; brick MK down on F.H.A. I 1 bedrooms; hath: as furnace. Lot 50x214: 175 ner month paymenta.

410.200. Talbott Allen Realtor, ME J-07L JIFFIRSON W. 3244. 3 room frame bungalow, gas furnace, near churchee, school. hopping.

trans portation, 10,950. loan can oe eavimed, will trad for lrger home. Call TW 8-0748 or JU East End Office TW 5-0551 CAREY SMITH BMLlUlt 7I1FFIRS0NT0WN Vney Kara: OPENINO EVENINGS. New model on display, I or 4 bedroom, brick or frame ranch home. No down payment for quanrieo purcnasers, per month, principle nd Interest payment.

Choom your own design, sign up now avoid the Drive out Tayloraviile turn right In center of Jef-fersrmtown. Call Mr. Mcintosh CL tjt-io. aht and aunoays, LAS HOMES INC. CL 4-0401.

fclalinn! lliimM IWi lr TfMiRSONTOWN, POOL TT3T liriMt'S in harlane nunuivwion need a new home In hurry? Fast poasesslon on 3 bedroom, tile bath new homes from 3M down. 170 nay principal ana interest; aewere, gaa and water: Includes Swim Club; drive out Tsylorsvllle Rri roi ow pooiaine Home arrows open dally 1 to 1. BU 3-3450, CL 4 51 Town ft Counlrv Homea. JU JEFFIRSONVILLI, lovely" Walnut" Rtdre SiUxlivtsion; 3 bedroom brick, flnlagied pLayroom in baaement with built bar; birch cabinets In kitchen, large lot, beautifully landscaped, back top drive, new elementary ax-hoot 1 OLocK. van aaaume C.L loan at Interest with reasonable down payment Call Jim nem or BU 2-417 or MICHAH.

i. DHA WMPANT 320 So. Sth Reaitons JU 3-343 JIFFIRSONVILLI, Tne newest linns in todav'a homes, for com fortable family living; entrance hall; 3 love.y bedrooma, 1 ceramic tile bath: extra large kitchen: 28 foot attached garage; all aluminum, maintenance free exterior; many extra feature. Open night, ly; no down payment to veterans, BU ANGER CORP. BU V1'3.

JIFFIRSONTOWN, new 3 bedroom brick ranch, dining room, full basem*nt, half bath off reoreation area. Only 414,770, 48J0 down, month. Immediate possession. You can stilt beat Hie eaiea tax. Bob Warren, EM C.

ROB 1 JIT PETER, Sr. ft Jr. S. Mh Reaitors JU4-3197 JIFFIRSONVILLI, Lincoln Ave. Make yourself at home In thia trulv nice 2 bedroom ranch, bath, cabinet, porche.

garage, near echool, but, 410.75O terms, Cora A. Jacob Co. Phon WH 4-0414, WH WH 4-0 rtl JIFFIRSONVILLI, Rolling Fields; new 3-bedroom brick with full baaement; all city ervires: Ideally located; only 12 85; 4H.1 down. COLONIAL REALTY, INC. Jeffersnnvllle, Bll2-5319.

JIFFIRSONVILLI, Wat hen Height; new 4 bedroom brick; 2 baths; full basem*nt; large lot; under construction, can use your own color acheme. BU 2-I73J. CLARK JIFFIRSONVILLI, 20 Rosewood Mclirlde Hetghbi, bedroom home on large lot; 41.500 down and assume CI Loan: 48 monthly Including taxes and insurance. BU JIFFIRSONVilLirnew bedroom brick, tile bath, garbage divpo-al, oak floor, 1 1 1. IMS, 4I9S down: l5 month, no clrlng coat: contract.

BU 2-9714. W114-45I7. Builder. LI ITH Lane. 340ln Meadow-creek Subdivision off Newburg Road: New brick tri-level; 3 bed- rooms; 1 baths: garage; electric stove and disposal; treoiace: large back porch; priced right.

Call JU- 4-4 MS or SP-8-23h3 HENRY HOFMANN1 REALTOR "LINTZAVENUK 3701. four room and bath: full basem*nt: garage and work shop. To settle an eitaie. Evening and Sunday EM 8-8148. THE KENTUCKY TRUST CO.

114 South Fifth Street JU LIWISTON bedrooms, near St Lawrence and new girl'e High: bag garage and family room; SI2.5O0. Hornbuckle Realty Co. EM 8-6878. LIXIN0T0N Road Area S-'O Mornlngslde Dr; in one nf Louisville's moat desirable locations, walking distance to Holy Spirit and Emmett Field arhool; 3 large bedrooms on second floor: full baaement; 23,50, 417,800 4Vjfe loan available for assumption Phone ownerTW for anpolntment. LOIS 4410" (Chert Village).

Will Trade. Beautiful bedroom brick: basem*nt, extra lot. Pat Doyle, nights SP -(2fl. PAUL SEMONINT COMPANY JU 4-2373 Realtora 431 Stark Bld LYNDON Area ASSUME LARGE 0 1 LOAN Young Executive's home; small down payment; 41 per miynth; BHK'K 3 beitrooms with attached garaire: corner lot: carpeted; Mr. WirthUn, TW 1-7183; office TW S-2471.

J. ASIIBY Mn.LER Realtor LVTLI llll; 3 large rooms and" batht asmme loan, no financing, price 41.450. TW S-2M0 C. TOM SANDS JU 1-8331 MARKIT." W. 2210: 6 room bath basem*nt, furnace, garage, $1,500 terms, af 2-iyxi W.

H. PrlchardL Realty SPI-3I58 MIDDLITOWN, WoodMde Acres," Just olf Sheibyvtlle 3 bedroom ranch brick, 1 fireplaces, knotty pin baaement, carport, outside storage; choice corner lot; prired for quick sale. Mr, Chapman. RP 2-2434. M.

HALE CO. Realtor EM J-J364 "We Build and Trade'l MIDDLITOWN; see the secret of the Cinderella home; conventional ranch style exterior, split level living Inside; over 1.800 square feet for 417,950: open daily till dark; on lot number 2, Middledale Subdivision. CINDERELLA HOMES. CH S-533. MIDDLITOWN; new homes; a bedroom, 1 tile baths; sewers.

BEIX ft KOCH REALTY TW J-CT1 MITCHILL Lane off Old 3rd St. Rd. Valley Station; 4 room house with bath: city water: large lot: mall down payment and take over payments of 868 month. WA 1-8449. MT.

WASHINGTON Rd vacant: 3 bedroom brick ranch type; Hf.300, SftOO cash, no finance coat. Chester F. ZoellerRealtor, JU 3-1M1. NIW ALBANY, Beharrell. Here ia one you will like.

Just take look, 1 bedrooms, breakfast room, fireplace In living room, apacloua elosetg, arreened porch, storm ash, baaement, at bus, arhool, aell or trade, 111,500 terma. Cora A. Jacobs Co. Phone WH 4-4414 nights BU 3-63A0, BU 3-7878 NIW ALBANY; miles "from city limits on Christian Rd. at top of knobs, with view of Fall City area; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basem*nt, large room with walk In closets; wiring, school bus at door; back yard terraced on basem*nt level.

WH 4-98'a). NIW ALBANY. Brent Heights. A Home to be Cherished by the New Bride, all new, 3 bedroom Brick Ranch, ceramic tils bath, baaement, optional features, nice lot, 112,900 and up terms, Cora A. Jacobs Co.

Phone WH 4-4414 nlghta BU 4-3931 NIW WASHINGTON, lnd. Weal-port Rd. If you are looking for a auburban home wP.h a niece nf ground where the Kiddiea can Klay with no worries from traffic, ere' a lovely I bedroom ranch, basem*nt, garage, recreation room, cherry paneling, flreplare, dining room, hullt-in oven and range, birch rabtnetg, 3 room home on rear of lot, lot IIMSO terma, Cora A. Jacobs Co Phon WH 4.0414 nights. BU 8.171.

BU House for $ol. mi i sf I i' i w.iial Ml bri, linn hull. artln. Ca.l A l.iif.v 4 full (liv.rfiH-e ta ri'-luti-il, fun- Mr, Ml-: L. P.

111 li IK KHI, 4. 1 i I lASTWOOfi" lat' liock itoail," hrli tlrlevcl, ti rooma. 2 acre, gtioil buv at 1 lol of living, terms. Mr. 'Ijdinas.

I ll-Klil. KAMI, K. BROWN CI). JV, 4 3222,. FAIRDALI juat Usteit; this 1-riKiin and batii; 2 acres of grounil; outhulliijingi; priced iindor oncn tor ofler.

Mary Norton, FM DICKIE PRIDDY EM 8 WL FiOfNBUiH Lane." near O.K.; 9 ACRES 4 bedroom houae, 3 room recrea-tion ootlage, 2 large barns: bargain at Call Mr. Buah, GL 4-3013. FIELDING H. DICKEY Realtors. GL 1-3010.

IASTWOOD Sectlonrr block off bua, 4 cre. garden land, like new 3 bedroom moonrn raifcch, tobacco haae, asking Joe Adam ME 4-4 Mil EARL E. BROWN CO. JU 4-2222 IASTWOOD area. Flat Lick Road; brick tri-level, 6 rooma, 2 acres, good buy at $13,750, lots of living, terms.

Mr. Tydlnga, TW 4-1577. EARL B. BROWN CO. JU 4 2221, FIRM CREEK, Woodfern Way $500 DOWN bedroom brick home; some with basem*nle, family room, attached garage and concrete drive; many other features.

For appointment call WO 9-8422. builder. SIRN "CHEEK. FrndieRd i bedroom brick: paneled den; ful basem*nt; Ideal location; night Hill Kennedy, AN 7-1730. KENNEDY REALTY CO.

C.L 4-4071 Realtor CL 4-4011 FIRN "Creek, Fairground 3 bedrooms; full basem*nt: good lo cation, $11,930. NighU, Mr. George, GL 4-5754. KENNEDY REALTY CO. CL 4-4072 Realtor GL 4-481 1 FIRM CREEK Rd- rduced for quick stir; only for room brick, 1 floor plan; full basem*nt: screened porch; large lot: many extras; poasesslon with deed: open Sunday 1 to J.

TW FIRN CREF.K;"l bedroom brick, full baaement, flreplare; F.H.A. approved: no down payment; will trade. Rullder. FORRIST off Indian TralfT houae unfln shed, sold as la: extra large lot; only $4,700: mall down payment. nerrmaim, ri -nii( F.AKL E.

BROWN CO. JU 4-2222, OLASIR ROAD; near Biu-dstown Road. 1 rooma, 2 car garage, patio, beautiful treea enruo. pricea rigni, Mrs Hreerten Cl, 4-7823. EARL E.

BHOWN CO. JU 4-2221 "JIFFIRSONTOWN, 32 Barclay Dr. 1 bedroom brick. Hi baths, carport, assume loan, payments. 7month; $13,330.

Nlghta, AN WEBER REALTY CO.AN 1-54IS. MIDDLITOWN, 1,000 feet of Stiel-byvllle Rd. on Aiken clean brick on lot acre farm: only buy In an area wher land value are going up up up; nlghta GL 4-4841. E. F.

McCOY Realtor TW S-05S3. MOORLAND, off LC rain modern epacaoua I bedrooms, IV batha; very desirable residential area; assume G.l. loam payment SH3 per month. By owner, in M3B1. MOORMAN Rd.

CTe ,4 room home, bath, shade, garden land. Mr. Wood. WA 1-5550. ANDY CHISM, Realtor WE 1-1993.

N0VILLI block off Dtxl Hgwy. looking for a real buy? Then ae this 3 bedroom trt level; lKj baths, flreplic. complete electric kitchen for only $18,750. Mrs. Simmons.

SP 4-94IU. Slmmons-Wrssel Realty, SP OKOLONA area', lovely 3 bedroom ranch, large lot, drastically re duced, owner ravins' town. Mr. Rayburn, EM 1-1571, or Mr. Coi ton EM 8-2228.

ROES REAL ESTATE F.M J-0939 OUTIR Ixxyp, 4718:" 4 room; ha ater. lot SOxlV): S3.TMI Compton Realty. WO 1-1341 R0UTI Rd. Jefferaontown area; attractive brick ranch home; I bedrooms and sun room; 1'? acre; $15,750. Mr.

Morsn GL 4-4270 John M. Hennessy A Son JU SHIPHIROSVILLI "Rd. area- lot 21 Woodrow Way; beautiful 4 level home; on large wooded lot; many builtln feature: must see to believe; priced below market. $21,000, Nlghta, GL 4-4841. E.

F. McCOY Realtor TW S-05S3 SHIVILY Mary Catherine" Drive 220O 1 bedroom brick, full basem*nt; attached garage; wall to wall carpeting; Il0xiti9 corner lot: roncrete drive; fireplace; reduced to 417,950. Mr. Curtis, SP 4- 3731. DIXIELAND Realty 8-4501 SMITH Rd South Park 4 rooms, bath room: city ga: 1 acre; plenty shade: $5,500.

E. Earl Baker Realty. TM M481 SOUTH Park Rd. Like new 1 bedroom home; li oar garage: sktng $1.0110 down eiee today and make offer. C.

M. Thomas, LM 4-5193. WHITI.OW a SON JU Realtor JU 1-1580 10UTH 1 bedroom modern home: full baaement; garage; I acre ahaded Int. Sander Real Estate WO $-1750 srea. FTRST OFFER ING 307 Knob View Lane: beautiful brick rambler, bedrooms, fireplace, finished basem*nt, large fenced lot; fully air conditioned; near G.

E. only $18,500 call Mr. Burton. ME 1-7047. uirmvr.

REALTY CO WO 9-9078. WATTIRSON TraiT. bedroom ranch house: country eettlng, yet cloae to siiormiiig nd trsnsportation, 121 nighu, Mr. Hunainger. GL 4-4804.

KENNEDY REM-TY CO. CL 4-4072 Realtor CL 4-4811 JUST off Highway 42. '4 mile from downtown: really nice, 1 large bedroom bungalow; only 10 year old; located a short distance off Highway 41 yet on secluded, private 1:1. seres, i basem*nt. automatic heat, wired 220: tile bath; screened porcn; oniv a.u v.

snowo by appointment. TW moh. Wl'NDLRI REALTY CO. TW 5JSVI Realtors TW 5 593I "PRBsTfi.N near St." Ritas and South, ent High; lovely tract with nice 4 bedroom Cape Cod clapboard: well plan'ed; owner trans-f erred, priced to sell may conarder trade TW JOHN ft. CARPENTrTR CO Realtor.

JU 4-11TI Vt'AR 1 AND KOREAN VETS Preston 4 bedrooms: Vi bsihs: full basem*nt; carport: nothing down; 4350 closing costs WO 9-1750. Sanders RcalF.rUta WO 41150 sol fttot, Other roorn home, trade for Louisville home or lot. Sand Realty, 2724 N. An-drew, tl. Lauderdale.

Logan 4.8t-2. INDIANAPOLIS; sell or trad brick' home in north eaat section; owner, SO LIU). 4-4877. WISTi-ORT, Ky. hlgh'andryTT block from in neauiuui unu, 1 acre; nice 4 room and bath residence: new 1 car concrete block garage; $8,150: Ideal for aportaman or a nlc place to live KENNEDY REALTY CO.

lwr.l Realtor CL 4-4811 Title Insurance. 103-C THS Cost" LOW. Pay Ju" once. Lt ua close our deal NOW and Insure your title. Tomorrow may be TOO LATE.

Call Mr. Watson. FRANKLIN TITLE, TRUST CO. "Kentucky' Oldest Title Ins. Co." S08W Jeffergon JU 8-3111 For Colored: ProprYjoral.

1 04) BR0A0MOOR, I'room ranch, hard-wood floor; nothing down; $7u. month I all. EM 8-7474 WISEIIEART HUSTON JU S-488J BROADWAY and 20th. area: fine tory home, 4 room, bth: will tak car or amail horn down payment. Agent.

C.L 4-7483. At ALP room. U-i baths; Ideal for larg family or duplex; owner wanu offer. Mr. West, SP JU 58M Brooks It Hrt Realtor CICIL at Broadway; fin duplex, I room and bath, each; BARGAIN, assume lon.

Agent, GL 4-743, DIXII HGWY. area, 17941-i WIIon, see and make ofler. 4 rooms. 2 baths, can he used duplex. Mr.

Polston, EM 8-8808 DAVID M. BURCHTIELD FM Realtors EM 4-4183 lAst F.Nl 3823 beeutlfully Undscaped: 1 bedroom ton home: breeneway, garage, basem*nt. Urg lot: asking $15,750, Miss Duke, TW 5-1301. EARL E. BROWN CO.JU 0ALCA6HIR, 1808: 4 room and bath home in perfect condition; new lit car concrete block garage with hot and cold water; nice loan vilable; priced below present ewner' cost; don't mis thl; appointment please.

Raymond Dunn. Healtor. ME8-1887. GARLAND Ave. 2114: neat, clean duplex, 41.000 down; separate entrances and meter, apartment up will make payment, only $995-7: better hurry.

EM 1-4181. nighu, EM AMES T. JONES REALTY "OARLANO; lovely I bedroomrbase-ment; ga furnace; front Porch; garage; $1,000 down will handle. Call E. D.

Ferry GL 4-70. KFNTUCKIANA CO. "OfAND. "2508. Ideal home and In- come; 8 room.

Dam earn uuor; separate meters; reonahl down pymnt, smime present loan. Mr. Warren, EM 4-7533. SP 1-3I50 F. J.

WOLKINCL Realtor nice room frame; near school and bu. C. C.REEN SP 8-1043. SP 1-2111. "MiMLOCKrT.T.IsTTh kind of home wif dream about; beautiful new kitchen, hardwood floors.

Inside like new; I room, bath; automatic heat: nice lot: no down pay. ment to families sp 8-0003 Robt. Hattemer, Realtor. 1324; 10 room brick, rol furnace: 3 car garag on reari reaaonably priced, only 8,500. Wlnlrsk RalE1at Jy.iW.

KlrfTUiKY, 32; 4 rnarn, bath fram; finished basem*nt. C. Green 4-1043 SP 4-2IH for 5ol iflt Vv'FcT' "1 1" ,,1 sb. SI' Wilt K.N'l). 331 liHiiii collate; Hiking (t ft lice 3 niiik on cr.

lit ii'iill 11111. ST, Realtor F.M 1871 west I.Mi; eti-enent room bun-galnw; pois-n, hiiii-inciit low rtnwn payment. iti.iar tittles GL A. CIIAMItHRS CO. lliMlti.i'S.

WIST END, 33rd. '400 NT 4 bath corner, lot, price SI (l-OotM. Robt. Realtor WEST LND, 22nd. S.

8W. Cotlege 4 rooms, bath, $.10 down. SP. rVftii llat.tiiiiMr, Realtor 1TH, N. 412; room and bain; fuil baseiment; gaa, furnace; low down paymeiiL Mr.

Wan'ren, L'M 8-75M. SP 2-3159F, .1. WOt-KINTJ, Realtor "lTH." N. 3lT; "fnaelbrlcked cottaxef 5 rooms and bath: priced for quick ale. Call JU 4-4 or C.L HENRY HOFMANN REALTOR 24TH 1217; 4 room and bath down.

4 rooma and bath 2nd floor; 1 room 3rd floor; basemanl; gas furnace; 2 car garage; lot 5xlS0; down to veterana; $H5 30 per month. Mr, Warren, KM SP 13159 rJ. WOI.KINO Realtor J15T 5fooms," bath; front porch; aluminum siding; full basem*nt: priced $500 down, $74.25 per month. Call G. Montgomery, builder.

CE 39TH N. 118; NORTH bptc and apan 8 room bungalow; new bath: new roof; $10,500. Trade TW 2783 PENCE JU 41ST, S. 108; 5 room frame. 2 baths, hardwood floors: full basem*nt with shower and commode; gas heat; garage.

Nell Realty EM 3-9773 43RD, S. 639; low down payment, assume loan; spacious 1 room. Ui baths; basem*nt; utility; front porch and 2 car garage; by appoint ment only. Mr. Siegwald.

HIGHHAUGH AND H1GHR AUflH Jtl 4-8111 WE 1-1 IM SENECA PARK "AREA Two houses, each la perfect In Its own right. Both ar Immaculate and spacious. Huntington Road la air conditioned, carpeted, den with fireplace, aun room, 1 large bedrooma and other extras. 1013 Old Cannona Lane I 1 bedroom with fabuloua basem*nt, ha riond, patio, and family room and arge lot. If the area suits you, and It should, then one of these homes should be youra.

Consider smaller trade or Inveatment property on the Cannons Lane home. Call Mr. Uery, CE 4-301)3. PAUL SKMON1N COMPANY JU 4-2379 Realtors 4.M stark Bldg. DO YOU" WANT, Privacy and an unsurpassed View? Constiruotlon, hand hewn rustic log Interior and exterior, 1 atone fireplace, 3 bedrooma, front porch 12x80 foot, modern kitchen and bath, oil furnace, 2Mi car garage, plus two story brick studio, 15.1 wooded scire, minute to shopping center, school end churches To see this unusual home call Mr.

Franck JU 4-83tr3, nlglits WA 1-3179. ARTHUR F. WOLPEHT CO. REALTORS 41.000 Down I.EB E. 463 Your opportunity to own real home at price you can afford; 4 room, bath, planty of closet apac.

full basem*nt, furnace, garage: full price $9,300. Call Fllapatrick F.M 8-4688 JU 11, JU 3-38QS lot, Acrtoqe Site. 10 town 15x508: $1950 JU 4-0192, SOLLKY Reltor. CANI Run ftxl.i 40 acres. ultabl for residentUI or Industrial development: lay perfect; rolling ground; above flood level, required for FHA approval: $1121 per acre.

Mr. Hale. FM 4K153 M. L. HALE Realtor.

FM l-35(. We Pinin ann irane TRlTftNt HliiCTTlS" i. Ewing. Zoned partmenu, doctora, clubs. Bass Welsberg Realtor CLriSf DIXII Hgwy.

area, mile west on Greenwood corner lot, $3x135; reduced price. WA 1-1358. INDIANOLA; llota with city aewer; owner will finance. Louurill Trust JU 4-2231. JOHNJONTOWN Rd.

60 acrea; ideal for subdividing; gaa, watrr available: larg trees; I mile north of Dixie Hgwy. GL 1 1323. Night TW 3-3098. A E. CH4MBF.RS CO, Realtor LA0RANGI Rd.

ti mU from Watterson Expressway; ATTENTION BUILDERS: juet listed 43 lot all In th eame aubdlvlsion and approved bv the board of health; gas, electricity, street made and cltv water: no meter charge; prired $1,350 to per lot; torn larger lou allghtly higher; must be sold In multiples p( or more Call Hill Archer, TW 4-IVM. F.I. INK REALTYCO. TW 5-24ti3. LYNDON; lot 15x183, excellent view, good drainage, Mack top road.

1 mile to atorea, TW 4179 NATIONAL Turnpike: I acrea; approximately 100 feet frontage; city gaa and water. EM 1-9441. OKOLONA "AREA, 10 lots, varying from 80x130 feet to 80x200 feet: $'100 a lot; terms available. WH Lippv. JU 3-0'Mfl.

AN 1-5273 MrDONOGH. REALTORS ST. Rd. Area: 1 mile outh: 15 acre witn email nome; largs workshop with living quar-ters, 323 foot frontage: beautiful horn Call Mr. Baker L.

P. BOOK Real EstteW A PARK HILLS Old Cannon t.ane and Park larg corner lol; 317 feet frontage: all utilities. Call Mr. Dickey. CL 1174.

FIKLDINU H. U1CKF.Y Realtor. GL POPLAR Level. 441J; commercial; Urge quantity lou and acreag, tins area. Kenland Realty, GL s-tirri.

SH IVILY, 14 LOtT (0X140 and larger for eulrk aale: city water, gas, electricity, paved road; City tax rate 41c; fire protection; garbage collection, avhool bua service; arranged. TW 3-33)9 or TW 1-1 1 31. C. KOCH JU Mi2. SOUTH F'D.

Keg erry no a Kiitirul building lot $0x422 city gaa, water; faring black top road; priced low for quick snio. Mr Mclirlde. LM 4-7804. EM 4-45dl. MANUEL LAY Rcaltor To buv.

ell or trade call u. ft MAtTHEWS Reerhwood Village: 2.4 Sag Rd noxmo. i i io. nn-i- TW 3-3113. tAYLORSVILLI RdT; fully 'devel oped lots, in Ilia, Chenoweth Run Subdivision on Taylorsville Rd.

Jeffersontown: rlty sewers, water, and all utilities; Berkley Home TAYLORSVILLI Rd. Tucker Station Rd over W0 foot fronU age on Taylorsville 1 mile from center of Jeffersontown; approximately 11 acres Joe Pitt Realty Co Ju 4-1104 or GL4.4.',iM. UNIVIRSITV large; utilities nd traneportation; reduced to move: terms; will trade but no real eswte. i yv "BUHJF.ns-S ATTENTION" Beautiful Urge weil landscaped lou, city water, gas. black top.

u.r-. s.ivd Popu lar Level on FRFDRICKS LANE, FERNHAVF.N Subdivision flna'-Ing arranged Mr. flray f.L $-5181 r.ARI. F. HROWf CO.

JIJ 4-2222 SPECULATIVE Builder 21 lots all Improvements In, rllA approved; excellent and unique opportunity. Call TW night and Hlliioavs M. t. I.UKINS. Realtor, fit, 4040L Retort I reperly lor Sole.

101-A "HlRRINGTOM LAKE, fistUng. camp nd boat dork, pleasure wiin income, 3 acre-, one main lodge, and 3 room cabins, 2 house trailers, floating boat dock. 12 boats. I motors; all equipped, must sacrifice this month, food terma, aoe KARlT BROWN CO. JU 4-2222.

HIRRINOTON bedroom brick home, on lake; pine paneled living room with 10 foot fireplace and picture windows; ga furnace; completely furnished; private dock; moving from atate, will sacrifice forJ14.000.GL 1-1100. Comoi, Camp forJial.J01-D C0RY00N, are on Blue River; -unv. CAMP cottsgea on Lake Cumberland Ml Ruasell County, near All -gator Boat Dock. Write Cecil Brown Suburban 103 TTRTiOLDTOWM-Rd. near" OlalTd 64.: reel nice 1 nearootn ore-, like new- atorm; etty gss and wa-ter.

larg lot; only $10,500. Mr. i in o.4li nr WO 9-8748. i BL-HTV I'll ROOKS, 1 bedroom rancn, i.rff lot: mad street: price $8,300, $3) down; will trade. Mr.

Riddle or Mr. Samuelg, 4-M88. STATE REALTY CO. EM 8-2l BUICHIL Area; I bedroom frame, enclosed breeieway, garage and fireplace. Urge lot.

F.H.A, approved, no down payment, will trade. CE 1-5843, Builder. CRISfvVOOD, 1 new and attractive houee; 1 trl level with 1 to 1 acre; 1 ranch type with acres: both In the $16,000 bracket but priced much i Wnl onniirier trade. Call CH 1-1191. Thorn B.Le,Jrokeru COLUMBINI DRIVE.

7WU; luxurious 1 bedroom bedford stores, tile bath, logburning fireplace, tailored kitchen, full basem*nt; reduced to $14,730, already flnnced, $2200 down; off Greenwood Road, I block from ax-hool. CU Nowl Mr. Grave SP 3-2025. EARL BROWN CO. JU 4-2TB DIXII Manor Area, Hfa enly Height SubdlvlMoni 1st street north of shopping center, turn west on Lower Hunter Trace Rd.

for ll of a mile: new. large bedroom stone home, with basem*nts and dining room: 1 with garage atlsohed: cltv ga. water, mad streets; will take low down payment or house trailer In trade; Iota 29 Planet: 89 Skyoliie. Brand and Fey lnc WA WA "DIXII Hgwy. area; real beautiful home.

4 rooms and bath on let floor; lnd floor finished: full basem*nt, large corner lot; innxll garage, Call Mr. Baker. BOOK REAL SSTATl A 1-0091 Hnose for tl li. Ihr Ml ,1 'ul pi'Mv ymd 2 stone. Iwiili.

labium, ctlpnit. lliitpie. pltMily al h-ii'X'i, Hi leiiiiv, Coca A Jaclw 'o i'hou WH tnrhls lt 4V77VVH 4L OKOLONA Aie-i. J.lik Blue I. Irk lid K1 street let l.

of Sooth I'aik new 3 bedroom brick and al'ie humes vtllh hardwood floor. Inch ceianilc tile ballta- larw lot; city gas and water; niadp street; small down payment; monthly payment like rent: if we don nave the hnusejsMiu want, will build your plan on one of the choice lots; open dally 2 until dark or by a-pointment. Call WO 0-8748 or CL EDWIN T. CAVEN REALTY CO. OKOLONA Area; 3 bedroom stone homea, city water; gas; email down payment, take car or lot on trade, or contract to build S.W0 or leie down pavment.Bullder.

WO 9-OH'U. "OKOLONA "area," Vttld 'Tayne 3 bedroom brick, tile shower and bath, fireplace, basem*nt, garage; miltselltminediately, CL OKOLONA; 2 bedroom brick; ore lot: will sell or trade, Mrs. Terry. SP 5-740. Dickie ft Priddy Co.

EM I-8M1. PIACHTRII, 33f3, 4 room cottage; completely remodeled and redecorated; gas heat; tern can be arranged. Mr. Cunnelt, C.L 4-5144. Town ft Country.

Realtor JU 5-5024 "blTWOOO 1 41 "07" WHY RENT? S250 down. 175 payments. Is Better than renting this fine 3 bedroom ranch stvle home, for Stkl, HUTCHISON CO. Realtors. SP 1-1148 POPLAR Level area.

4111 Lee; 4 room and bath; finWied basem*nt; beautifully landocapedi near school and traiwpoi-Ution. Mr. Renn. SP 4-3138 CANE RUN REALTY. WA 1-W4J.

PORTL AND section, 1717-1719 Nelll-gan: Ideal horn nd Income, 4 room and bath double, 4100 down, 1 month. Mr. Warren. EM 8-7533. SP 2-3159 F.

WOI.KINO, Realtor FRAIRIl" VILLAGE 1st Offering I0O08 Northrtdg very attractive ranch alyl 3 Urge bedroom. I Ml bath, dining room, fireplace, full basem*nt, porch. 2 car garage; shaded by larg tree: located dead end etreet. JOHN T. PETERSON WA 1-4541.

WAJ-141L. PRISTON St. "Are. 2409 Shuck Um; nice a bedroom home with large living room and kitchen; beautiful lot: bug aorvlce; near shopping center, churches and schools of your choice; small down payment; monthly payment like rent. Mr.

Oven, CL 1-3200 or WO t-8748. EDWIN T- CAVEN HEAL.I t-O PRISTON St. Area. eflOB Walnut Way; i room and bath brick ranch; year old; builtln electric range; combination aluminum arorm window and doors: lot 75x150; already financed; low down payment. Warren, EM B-7WJ.

SP 2-3159 F. J. WOLK1NC, Realtor PRISTOf Section. 1277 Farmdal 3 year old Rinnan Brick. 6 room ami bath down, 1 full room up, full basem*nt, newly decorated, 220 wiring, fenced yard, side drive; near everything, prtoea row, assume loan, Immediate possession, Mr.

Koch TW -3Va EAR E. BROWNCO. JU 4-223 PRISTON section, BMTRoneysuckl Wav; brick, 8 room, bath; utility: hardwood floors; aide drive: fenced yard: priced to sell, 4I1.5IX) with small down payment. Call Mr. Wile son, EM 8 7924.

EVANS REAL ESTATE CO. EM EM 8-9394. PRISTON area; Reading BdT VA CANT. Excel ent coroiition; nea- rooms, bath up; large living room; fireplace: big dining room: light airy kitchen; baaement; recreation room; garage; comer lot; already financed. Mr.

Sinnett, CL 1-8127 GOLDEN RULE. INC. JU 7-8544. PRISTON AREA. 3704 LoreltA.

1 bedroom frame, better than new, assume present loan with down and tM 50 month. Call KM 8-3im or JU 2-3838. East End Office TW J-0651 CAREY SMITH REALTOR PRISTON and Earmdale rea, FORCED SALE I year old, 3 bedroom brick, full basem*nt: fenced yard; Worms, ctv sewer; original cost, SlS.SiK), ink-In riVO Mr. Young, CL 1-224. TKI nTYjRBAt.TYCO.CL "PRISTON St.

Area; lovely 1 bedroom home: large room: patio; storage room: aton and aluminum aiding: Worms: paved drive: on bus line: may trade. Mr. Lock, WO 4i. nr WO 9 11718. EDWIN T.

CAVEN REALTYjTO. PRISTON Hgwy. are: look, bargain; muat aell this week; Irnoat new 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 31 foot living room with fireplace: electric kitchen; colored baih: many more extras; must to appreciate; WO -1424. PRISTON Hgwy. area; 1122 Lor-etta; aton front ranch; 2 bedrooms: tile bath: gas furnace; 11,700 cash; 479 bargain Mghta, GL 4-4841.

MrCOY, Realtors TW505S3. PRISTON "area; 13j9 Vim Drive; Nice 8 room home, large lot with garden, garage, aklng S0100 with '( down, balance tike rent, Mr, Crav CL 8-MK2 EARL E. BROWN CO JU 4 2222 PRISTON" St. area; 23 Norton; beautiful 5 room home, large lot, fenced yard, low down pay. ment, EM 8-8541 or I 9-WtOI.

LAND ft HOME REALTY EM 8-1114 PRESTONIA Area; 1328 Morgan Ave. i new 3 bedroom brick; large living room and kitchen; utility room; ceramic tile bath; large lot with beautiful trees: all city conveniences; near school and churches; small down payment; will consider trade. EDWIN T. CAVEN REALTY CO WO 9-8748 CL 1 3200 RAN0ILANO SUBDIVISION 449 CASH NOW Will you the sale tax en your new 4 bedroom brick home. This cover down payment and esrrow.

builder pal closing costs. Sales have been good, the last group that can sold before tax are heme rapidly completed now. Many employed at CE. or nearby will av a good part of their pay. ment every year on tranporta-tion and time by living In Range-land.

Fully developed with ewer and city utilities: prices tart a low aa til. 945. Call Mr. Stuart now, Vi WO 9-OKlfl. KINKEAD Realtor JU 4-8111 R0CKF0RO I-an Section; 4805 Imperial aero street from school; 3 bedroom bnck, like new; full basem*nt, dining room, new farage, new fence: Ideal for large amily; 1 4.800 easy terms.

WA 1-3454. office EM 80:108. EDWIN R. MONTGOMERY, Realtor ROCKFORO Lane Area; Lindsay brick. 1 bedrooms large fam ily room, full basem*nt; garage.

GENE ALVEY CL 4-541J ROWAN JS25: this excellent frame dwe must seen, top condition; automatic gas furnace: tile Dam: I or oenroom. rm-ru 17.750. Louisville Trust JU 4-i. SH ACKLITTI Acres, 1900 Block Poinsett; 1 beutlful new brick ranch type quality homea on large oak Ire atliodea lol; a Denroom, 2 bath, finished haementa. with large 42 fool fool family room; un-uaual fireplaces, concrete drive, walks, porch, patio: many extras; 3 block from elementary and high arhoola: 2 blocks from c.ihnlle arhool and church: already flnanred: open dally 8 to 9.

Sundavs to I. Jim Finn, build er, WO 9-378B RD. fOLD) i.nvi KFST Your heart will throb, your blood will tingle when you iew these beautiful new atone ana ones homea an their tree studded lota: Impressive paneled living and din ing room glass iining uoors i patio: gorgeous bedrooms; Ceramic tile bath; 74 feet cl built. In cabinet! aum model with Country Kitchens; all home have full basem*nt with finished knotty pine recreation room; 11,000 down or will taae your noma in trad On Old Shepnerdsville Rd. I block In from Outer Loop.

Open 10 am. to I pro. under floodlight. For detail call Builder-Aeent. T.

BUISON WO 4JVSP SHIPHERDSVILLI Rd. area. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Now building 4 bedroom atone; full basem*nts: only $13.9 V); aavs, buy now before sale tax Increaaea prices on new home. In beautiful Wondhill. Open dally til dark.

We trade. Art Yuhr. CL 4-481. E. V.

MrCOY CO. TW S3. SHIVILV Area: new 1 bedroom bricks, with full six basem*nt, separate paneled dining room, IVj bath: there are quality home In excellent location: good financing available: from $13,700 to $14,900. EM 3-5371 1 office EM 80308. EDWIN R.

MONTGOMERY Realtor SHIVELY area. In beautiful Oak Hills; new brick trl level, featuring I large bedrooms, 2 baths, entrance hall, builtln Tappan oven and range, basem*nt with i car garage: price To see call Earl DeHaven, builder, wa l-utiu. SHIVILY area: 107 Barberry. New 3 bedroom stone: basem*nt; take automobile down payment; priced low 413,300, Mr, Dickey, EM 8-34M). Dickie ft prickly Co, KM 8JI57I.

SHIVELY, lot 31, Pelrskle new 3 bedroom brick, 1 bedroom paneled, country kitchen, attached garage, basem*nt, well shaded lot. Mr. Weasel. SP 44074. Simmon Weasel Realty SP 8-8280 SHIVILY Section: lovely stone home with complete apartment In basem*nt; garage: $1000 down end move In.

Call E. Ferry, CL 8-o70. KENTUCKIANA CO. iHivVlV, targe rooms, me batn, lol fttixitu, plenty abade trees; new gtarere; black top drive; Mr, Warren. FJM 8-7W3.

2-315S J. wm.KINTJ, Realtor SHIVELY, 3413" Barkwood; "We brick and frame: 3 bedroom; fenced In yard: many rlniet: 1 block to bus: see today. Mr. Fan. ensmltt, WA H.

GIBSON, Realtor FM 3-3848 SHIVELY. nice" 3 bedroom brick full basem*nt; near St, and new Kerrick arhool: low down payment, already financed, con. tder 1 year leas with, option buy; Owner, WA l-Soei, 101 (nxn il wv ii i' I til, am lot. a uinrniim stain, iin Til by "W4, JI.NSI'N I IV tl. HK I-M7I.

PIXIE lUwv. new 3 hrtlrrHin linrk home; lii.uii. S'-'t prr month. tiullititr, DIXIi area; priced to aell; nrndrrn 3 bwlrooin Iti'cflord atone, full baaemeni; by owner, builder. WA CL t-m.

DUBRUTT High frame, room. luth; hardwood llKra; fenced yard; gam: aaphall drive; full price :i.M) down, Jliil per month Include taxea and insurance. Call Mr. Wilson, HM H-79M. EVANS HEAL KSTATE CO, EM IKU77.

KM 4-43M. kacy tvii tl'tO down, fake over loan, balajice like rent, EM g-1877, Owner. ASTERN PKWY. area 4lal down, balance monthly: 4 room 1st floor. I large finished room 2nd flior; basem*nt, automatic heat; good eondillon; KUCEI.

I.CWUI R. Iiig, Realtor FAIRDALI Area Unda liiv. 307 Very nir two bedroom nmiea in auburban community. Can be b.wdit for only IM down with total monthly paymenta of $iS 00. Mr.

Bminneil Tw MH24. R. J. Stewart, Realtor Ju 7-" FAIRDALI area: 2 bedroom brick; large country kitchen; only p.HO. Mr.

Rayburn, EM 7571. BOBS REAL ESTATE. EM SW. rmki -ui, t.enev Way; 3 bedroom brick, tilt bath car port, partially finished baaement. 44 loan, monthly payment UI, By owner, CE 4-79J4.

LORAL Terrace. a lovely 1 beilroom house at bargain price. HANSBROUOIL Realtor JU 4 4047 FRANKFORT Avenue 19W; 11 room olid brick, easily duplexed, large lot, garage, house In nlndid condition. will take mller hoiw In trt.1. Call TW Mitt or liV'Knd Office TW SOW! CAREY SMITH REALTOR 6ARS Lane; BARGAIN DAYS; a beautiful 3 bedroom brick rancher; full baaement; larg aunny kitchen: 4 cloaete; large bath; carport; new chain link fence: aluminum wlndowa; all In tip top condition and only 2 yean old; all thus at onlv I4.500 with Jut 41,100 down payment.

Mr. or Mr. Goodwin. Realtor. WA 1-3073 CIRMANTOWN; i129 Mulberry; In-veiment nrooerty.

4 rooms, bath, giS monthly Incom. A. R. Hell. man, broker; u.

neumaun, Mra7'tojl Caldwell: 1 rooms; garage; gnd condition: eloae to everyming, van ioiu wvw ler. TW IMU42. re.nklln Realty CL 1-13M O(MANTOWNr'0 Gom Avenue, 5-room houMi, used a 4 part- ment. income WW ItHmui, aaaujig (H3.7W. Mir.

Klen frL 4-OHM. EARL E. BHOWW 1X1. wu ia GERMANTOWN AREA: well kept a htttha. full hawement: 1 car garage; big porchi FKDEH A I t.j neaiuar.

i uo-iv, i. ORANDVIIW off Rock ford Lane: near bu: 2 Bedroom, ranon, ir lot, 4S.950 with low down payment. Honvbucklt Realty Co. EM 67L MILL, l3i; modern 4 room bungalow. Large dining room, full basem*nt, i car garage.

Unfinlahed A. H. Cl'RKLLA Realtor. JU 1-1404 HIOHOATI SPRINCS AREA uwr.M IKK rharmin American Colonial, 4 bedroom home set on two acra lot, with fine all art tree. Very close to Intersection of Watlerson Expressway, Tayioraviii noao.

Shown by appointment only. Call Sir. J. t- norman, i tt PAUL SEMDNIN COMPANY Realtor JlJI Starka Ring. HIOHOATI Spring AUlaim Lovely, well built 3 bedroom brick ranch, fireplace, full baaement, large kitchen; 1.J14 equare foot living re; clo to city and arhool busea; good financing; owner leaving rity Mr.

Hanern. MB MfllJ. WUNnERJ.It:!! REALTY CO. TW 9-6SII Realtor TW a-SOM HIOHOATI, 364J Johnston Way OPEN SUNDAY TO 4 Modern i bedroom home; aseum CI loan, with paymenta of $71 per month; all city utilities; nuke offer. Mr.

Rapier, CL 1-1374, CL 2131. Town A Country. Realtor. JU 3-30J4 HIOHOATI Springs are; 3064 Na-dina lrive. No Down Payment.

Spacious 4 bedroom, larr kitchen, baaement, atotm windowa and door, larg lot. City Sewer. about trade. See anytime. Mr.

Slegwaid. H1CHBAUGM ft H1CHBAUCII JU 4-all! Raltor WE 7-1 1J HIOHOATI Spring. SwM Nadlna near achools, churche and bua: 4 year old brick, I floor, bedroom, corner lot; price 114,300, assume loan with I1J0O down; appointment only. CL 1-32(13. HIOHOATI, 3U20 Hendon.

Lovely home for email family; muat be aeen to be appreciated: low down payment. Owner. CL 4-00. HIGHLANDS OUTER IHlNT MISLED Our quoted price of for the Catewood SACRAMENTO include ALL of the following feature, ull basem*nt, all brick const ruction, attached garage, built-in elec. trie range aaid oven, eliding glaaa patio door; located on CITY SEWERS with City street and aide-walk: If you buy now, price i guaranteed against Increased costa due to aalm tag.

EH A 743 down. Take Klondike Lane off Hike Lane, turn left on KUxiway to Layslde. Open dally. CL 1-4JM. ROBERT D.

MASSEY CO. Realtor. JU4-7301. HIGHLANDS, CHEROKEE GARDENS Truly beautiful, apactou 1 bedroom 24 bath brick Colonial: air conditioned: dreing room off master bedroom; 2 car garage; full basem*nt; game room; nany extras: perfect condition- lovely large well shrubbed lot; owner moving; SEE and nibmlt your beat offer; Mr, hweltjer, CL 2-2873. Baa ft einberg Realtor CL 1-20.

HIOHLANDS, "2543 TrevBUn Way. located an beautiful "Seneca Garden." bedroom. bath cap cod home with many full basem*nt, patio, 1 car ivacnea garage, darn, fireplace: price 423, iM), but open to offer. Call Mr, Nat Sander. TW 40173 or MICHAEL.

J. O'DEA COMPANY S. th Reltora JU J-SaM HIGHLANDS St. Raphael Area Tyler Lane: nice 3 bedroom brick. 11 baths, fireplace, full basem*nt; i biocn mi naroaiowa Rd near arhoola.

churche. ahop- 1. 1 aiaxin sm ana MAKE OKFLR. Mr. Swiitier, CL ft Wrlsnerg hValtor CL WW HIOHLANDS VACANT Ml 1 1 nrna I down payment will move you into una ifliacioua m-n-, 1 bath, full basem*nt, partly fin- Ld.

car garage, lovnr im. near everyUiing, Mra. Carlove. TW EARL HIGHLANDS OFF NEWBURO RD. 1yvely new trl leel, on Urge tree ludrted lot: 4 bedrooms.

3 baths, family room: city sewers: you will enjoy the privacy and convenience of this top location. CL 4-317 TW 3 VIM MOSSlioLPER REALTY CO CL Realtors. CI, HIOHLANDS Taylorville Rd. Are lively brick ranch in wooded er-tioit; corner lot 1J0 foot frontage; 3 bedrooms, 1H bath: firepln; carpeting; recreation room; large irreencd porch; perfect condition. Mr M'Wholder.

CL 1-443. MOSSHOIJ1ER REALTY CO. CL 1-7033 Jealtor CLI-74S "HIOHLANDS, 2014 "Wliwfon; aton and frame; 3 bedroom. I'll batha, basem*nt with recreation area, larg garage, beautiful big lot with lots of trees; city aewer; near all chools; nuailfled buyer can borrow under F. H.

A. plan. Call JU 4-4349 or CI, 4-4349. HENRY HOFMANN REALTOR. HIOHLANDS Area; SPECIAL SALE; Introducing a new low price to Upper Highland.

bed-room bnck; country kitchen; 41,000 down; you can qualify: Brown Lane at Watterson Expraseway. tL l-Jttil or CL SUTtURBAN REALTY HIGHLANDS, "28.0" Shannon off VoltmaUi Lan BonAlr aub. OPKN. NEW bedroom tri-level; 2 baths, electrte kitchen; garage. Walking dienance to shopping, bus; will trad.

Night TW S-JWH. NAT LEVY. JU 1-M HIGHLANDS, 113,750 let) IVAMIOE CT. Nice I or 3 bedroom bungalow; all large room, fireplace, full dining room, fall basem*nt, garage; excellent condition. CL 1-2873 or CL 4-0109.

Saw ft Welsberg Realtor C.L t-VM HIGHLAND; 4 bedroom stone, plua large den, grarloua floor plan, finest construction, corner lot, ldel for doctor's home or an office, Kd.930. Mrs. Fleischer. CL 4-5667. LOUISVILLE REALTY CO.

C.L 1-1044 Reajtor. fit, l-IOM. "HIGHLAndI" 2SI tureen Open Sunday to 4 Terrific 3 bedroom ranch home, just decorated, wall to wall carpeting, carport, tent down. See and MAKE OFFER, Kay Chalk ley, A.N ELAINE SCHIfr, Realtor JUM2H. rtmitLAnui, wrocaiaie AUracuve room ranch rtyle home: tile bath- full baaement; gaa furnace; park like arttlng with beautiful tree In front and back yard: only 411 .950, Vie Muccl, CL J-KMl JU S-IHWI McDONOCH, REALTORS HIOHLANOS, Wkidanr Place; 4 or bedroom brick; 2'i tile bath; attractive family room, Mark to Tyler Park: glassed in porch and 1 crecod in porch.

For defalks, call Vlo Muccf, CL 2-9651; 1,1 3-E9f. realtors "HIGHLANDS, JJ88 Valley VWaT hrk-k ColrmJalj 3 beylroom; larg oenronm, oui on lani floor; and bath on 2nd; full baaement: garage; near bu; priced BELOW F.H.A. Beat 4 eiatoeri, Realtor, CL 10SM Hom)f for Sole, 101 llr ii-i 'i-i flu oi.wna cot. I1-, gaiane. viil v.lia'tC'1 yanl, Oli'il i ri 4 4 CAM TAVUHI NlMHIM! DOWN In e'l SHI, ism nit home. lo Him mini; 8 wm, bath rtn, rtl finished mmJ 1 car gtirase: ml oMre" Julia lliulrrtiis 1 d(I tN It VI INC. ,111 7-rt44. CAN Hun ltd. Area; 3 bedroom hrlckl full basem*nt; water, ga. mull MHl: city bin; I3.

and your old house will make doun payment. Mi. Curtis, hi nmAl.ANI REALTY KM 'CANl Run Rd. section: 43111 Lynn-dim bedroom Bedford tonr forced air nut; all mum extra l.r; cedai lined eloeU; beautiful rd. 1-3454, mhic CM "IlWlN K.

MONTGOMERY, Realtor "tANl Run Kd. Am; large 3 bed-room cottage: 4 acre ground; ask-Inl "llV H-000 dimni Mr' SI' 8-4i4. Si mom C5el R' 1 V. -m--'CANI RUN Rit. 4839; lovely bedroom brick homt, attached garage; JU 5 5- 'CANNONSHIIU, 602 Wimpleton PI.

Open I to 4 Sunday: by owner; 1 bith large den; large lot. Till TW0723. "CASALANDA 1 Drive 10403; one block from new elementary chooi: I bedroom, rjining room, on. VACANT See and make offer, you might get a bargain. KM 7-8101, evening A 1-4488.

JACK JONAS, REALTOR. AMBIRRY Dr 710; Rock Creek Gardens. Seneca Park area; chisc. rinse In location, beautiful contemporary brick 1 bedroom. fam-liv room.

1 til hatha, complete kitchen, basem*nt, CKNTHAb AIR-CONDITIONING. 1 Mr attached garage: SEWERS, large weU panted lot, many Htni, "flice, Ol. Mr ToodiT, 01, A E. t'H A II PR lCO. Rlto 'iHARLANI Park.

Jelferaonlovimi II rlty aerylrei Inrludlni iewra; I bedroom brick: ntemherthlp In harl.n Park Swim Club wl home: prlr. juaranleed until July Ut: F.H.A.; HM down. Hl-M tnonlhly without baiement: with full baaementi near arhoola. trana-porlatlon and ihoppin: out Tay-lnrivlll Rd. to Jrtferaontown Grade) rhool, turn rluhl on Galn; dla-plav horn open until dark.

IW 31144 ARTKRBURN HOMES INC- tLARKSVILH AREA OPEN 10 to You 'an llvo better fur leM In Indiana You muat beautiful Blackiaton llalhta. Croaa over th hnriia turn left at aecond atop lltht and proceed to tha new home. Ranch typai. iplll levela and I alory homea. 1, l1 and 2 bath mudela; full baaementa.

Prlcei rana from J14.350 to 120.000. Down paymenta a low aa Is.tO r.H.A. and Conventional flnanclnit. You will bt aurprlned how much mora you get for your money. Street, alriewalka and all titilltlea lnciudinl atorm and aanllary aewtra.

Sea m. Crume or Wm R. Phillip. PAUL SEMONIN COMPANY Realtnra 4IM8tarka Bldf CLAKKSVILLI, lnd. New home "IN HALLMARK.

HEKIHTS" Wndrt home open todayS bert-room lvi bath brtek. ranch atylej home. Sllrtlnl flae doora from (lininr area to patio: eewert and II rity utilities: 1 mlnutee from downtown Ixmurvlllo iuat off Sl-E. Only "50. Caah down with no do.

In eot; FH.A. APPROVE! fall Mr. Jim SUemore, ilU a-4Art or MK-HAEL 1 O'DEA CO a R. Sth Realtor JU CLARKtVILLI, 301 Falltvlew 1 oedroom frame home with lara lot ua Laria living room, family kitchen, cloned In back porch, full pnca with amail don payment. Will aell on contract.

Call Jim Sliemore. BU I-t37 rMICHArX' O'DEA COMPANY ith Reit(r JU J-)JS "CLAKVILLI, i N. sUrahaili 3 bedroom, til hrv-k home. Ur hvlnf room with family kitchen; ni lot fully landoid, cio In -all c-hooWi', anvaH down payment. Price .10.

t'a Jim SiM-tvan BIT 1-4W7 or MICHAM- J. OTKA COMPANY S2f Jlh Rcaltona JUJ-VZS tLTkRettVILti, Emily Ave. Clva tha Ltttla Hou-aewlfa a Hand In thla conveniently arranged 4 bedroom ranch, bath, ampl eloaela. arreened porch, atorm aan. beam celling, at erhnol, bua, terma.

Cora A. Jacob Co. Phon VH 4-M14. WH 4-3031. LARKVILH, Eaat Carter; enr neat, 4 pooma and bath, basem*nt, axcave.

caved driveway. mr lot. convenient location. Bri roe, Realtora. BU 2-U13.

BU J-BJ7 171, BU 3-711. CLARK4VILLI, Beexwood Manor 8ubnvlion: 3 bedroom brick, full haaemant, radiant heat, carport, Night. EM 4-KJ51. KINKEAD CO. nnHnrt IV 441H.

etlFTOMllelghtt M'tat aell, owner tranaferred, 3011 linn. lemma Church; room ranch; larg kitchen; acreeneo porrn; i nn-tiace; garage; fenced yard; HEWERS, Office, CL 1-33W. NujhU, TW A CHAMBER. CO. Realtor.

"jilt iff Nt IlIlT; Claremnnt, 134; lt offering of Uiia apacloua. 4 bedroom brick home; Ideal for large family; inten6r in perfect eondillon; automatic gaa heat; full baaement; large enrlowd front porch: call Mrt. Mercer. TW fl.lNE REALTY CO. TW VWI HirX 47.300 02l Pavne: bedroom eoltage, In top condition, wall to wall carpeting In living room and bedrooma, large kitchen; all newly decorated, tall Mrt.

Chlpman, TW LONG HOPKINS. TW -0B1. tRISCINt Hill; lovely older 2 bedroom home, gaa heat; garage; large yard; In good condition; prired at only Call Mr. Neideffer. TW J-57S2.

Office. TW II KTnst Realtor LANE aire; 5CHtviloT Drive, Acrwa from s.naier mum, like new trt-level, 1 beieroom. Hi bath, many extra, may trade, houte with acreage. Mr. Krlng ME 1 70HB EARL r.

BROWN CO. JU 4 223 01X11 Hgwy. Area, open It a.m. to I p.m., under floodlnhta. KISSING fcWKET." And mlrhlr neat, and at a prlr that rant be beat: a majeette ranch Colonial: beautiful living room, with built-in bookraao; full paneled dining room; large paneled country kitchen; 14 feet of cabinet: aparkling Ceramic tile bath: I bright breeiy bedroom: full b-ment with completely finished knotty pin recreation room: one look and you are in love.

Move in today for 41,000 down. Other to chooae from Including a bath trt-level; will trade. WA 1-3073. O. E.

BuitMnBuilder-Aent. "BiXli Hgwy. area: JOYCE ACRES" buy now, aava atata aalea taxt new I bedroom brick or atone Including all theae extra, concrete driveway aldewalka. paved etreet. city water, city gaa, wrought iron on Jorch, atorm door, hardwood loora.

ceramic tile bath, forced furnace, nodded yard, ahruba, and aliade treea, priced right, amall down payment. year loan, 9 a month plua taxea and Inauranre; will trade. AM BUILDERS. 1004 TERRY VANE WA CL J-W84 blXII HGvTT. area; 3 bedroom bouae, 2 year old; all rity con.

kaIahaaa. M.knnla -Kil rV-t, 30 year loan; no down payment; approximately eiw nuimi plug let year fire Inautanoe. No payment for 14 day. Night WA Aril' Cook, Realtor A Inauranre ti vl- a i um "blSIil Hgy. aectlon; facihgTleck.

er bane, Oil inompaon. near urn Pagea Lane; new 3 bedroom brick or alona homea; email down payment and take over loan: pri lit, TOO; Immediate poaietnon: open; are anytime. Mr. Smith, SP Office EM -nm MONTC.OMERYJRealtor "blXIf. Maryman Acre; mt a luriHvn, atnn.

,1 1 1, 1 ranCTI Wllh ria alldmg door; ceramic tile bath: Hardwood noon; large enmea- Intt full once i l.JV): no cloatng corta; 3 bedroom brlrlu. nm area: IlLJtt). under con-iructron Agent, builder, D. A. Webb.

WA 'OIXIl'Hgwy. Area; Cibaon Acrea: new brick or alona home; 1 bedroom, tile bth. larg kitrh-na with hood and fan; full an baaementa; concrete drive: on large Iota; price, 3.750: ee before Vou buv. Earl DeHaven, builder. I'A BlXTIH(rV.

at 'averly ItUls looking for a bargain? Here it w. i bedroom bnck, baaement, torma, cwrairuc til bath, paved drive, all for tha low. low price, of lll.tvg); owner aaya to aell. THB ATTON CO. EM-302().

DIXII Hgwy. Section WILL TRtADB bedroom atone ranch: large living room with fireplace; electric kitchen; near erhoola; only 113, ISO. QU1NN-UIETRICK. Realtor. 4-m blXH" Hgwy." area," Pendleton Rd.

and Kragea 1 bedroom brick, til bath, forced air heat, haru-wood floor, paved drive, tlO.Vfl; either with baaementa, 4 1.900; ti.OOO down; open 1 ta 4 m. weekend Builder, WE 1-46711, WE 1-JS04. 'DIXII Hgwy. Are', 10504 "Tbrring-ton; walking dlatanre to Our Lady of Conaolatlon Catholic arhool; 1 bedroom trt level; many extra; muat aell; owner transferred. Carrie Zipper, SP f-2371 TIPPER Jlealtora OlXll Hgwy." area: 3" bedroom hnck homea, 43MI down; LaKayette Park, Jnhnanntnwn and Chenault rt ii mr, no.u uii'it.

LaPei-ette Homea, Inc. WA M). bi5r(-HFWT wwwn a ur iw, i home; om no down payment, om 3cn down, 4' eioing rout. CH1SM, Realtor WE M9M OlKII area; 'JoST Venture Ave, k'Vl) down and move in I Mmnmr earner loti aewer; Mr, lMct. IM 4.HK.

Ptrki 4 Pnddy C. EM Hu for So! 3 li ill on tmrn ing i li null' 11 the lot aio Is 'nil and ha an. oilier 3 ni! modern collarr ait-lai I'lil to It lhat lent tiilil niuiilh or lilc.ij 2 faiiillics; lor tlrtail call lull Archer, I -inm. I 1 IM! CO. TW ST.

MATTHEWS t.l-avmoor SulKliviralon (Dartmoor Drivel; altraHive new I floor plan brick home featuring 13'vxiUij ft. family kitchen with built-in features, 3 latKe bcitrooms, 2 full balhs. paneled fireplace In Using room; full basem*nt. Owner will trade. Hill Comley.

TW Of. ftce JU 2-1IW7. TIIK KFNDA1J, RealUira St. MATTHIWS ARK, lallll Hreiit-moor Lane, off lagran Road, In Moorland, niodom 3 bednxun, 1' bath home, with auch feature aa carport, patio, large kitchen, lenced yard, lots of torage area. Assume large til Loan with payments of $19, price Call Mr.

Nat Sander. TW 5-0175 or MK'HAKL J. O'DKA COMPANY 321) S. ReaiUu-s JU 3-5523 ST." MATTHIWS NKAR Ol'R LADY OF LOURDF.S In Broad Fields, better than new 3 bedroom 2 bath home, cu.tom built for present owner, 2 fireplace, full basem*nt, screened porch where you'll enjoy every summer day, 1 rar garage, not a' better value anywhere to our knowledge. Mr.

Miller, TW 4-2471. Residence, TW 3-772B ASHKY St. MATTHIWS 314 SPRITE ROAD City conveniences, country setting; 3 bedroom with 4th bedroom and family room down; unfinished attic, entry hall, formal dining room. Mary Flllen Hointon, TW g-OOV). PAUL SUMO.VIN COMPANY JU4 yri3 Realtors 451 Starks Bldg.

"ST. MATTHIWS, a terriffc value" for this area, only 4Vi years old, A-l condition, 1 bedrooms, all on one floor, large living room, with fireplace; BRICK, full baaement, beautiful large trees, only Call Hill Crabb, TW 4-O480, office, TW 5-4291. HARRY W. N'KAL. REALTOR.

ST. MATTHIWS 415,950 In this 3 bedroom home you can forget maintenance chores. Many extraa including aluminum aiding and storm windows, eat In kitchen, screened porch, full basem*nt, ON SKWKRS. Bette or Jim Duffy, CL 1-4383. office TW 3 0573.

DUFFY 0l" Hemingway. Lovely 3 bedroom brick, 1 floor plan, entry hall, fu-episoe, large kitchen, acreened porch, patio; baseiment, rarasTe, walk to our be schools, snooping center, bus line; VACANT. Office. GL Muss Wilding. MH A.

CHAMHKRS CO. Realtor, 4f" MATTHIWS area 2014 CKRAR CRHST: I bedroom brick ranch, I tile baths, complete electric kitchen, attached garage. fenced yard. A-l condition, Laian can be assumed, fiveiyn Riley, TW WUNDERLICH RKALTY CO. TW S-mil Realtors TW 5-59J4.

ST.MATtHlWS, 3429Hyollffe PRICK RRDUCLD Thl 1 owner, 4 bedroom, bath home 1 located on a corner lot in one of the nicest section in this area: clo to school, churche and on bus line- Immediate pones ston. Call Rill Archer. TW HI HFALTY CO. TW 5.2463 Ar jog Wood-cleft Rd. In Heautlful Bellmeade: expansive but not expenaive, especially designed for spacioui family living, 2 bedrooma.

2 bath, arreened porch, recreation room with fireplace In large baaement, murl ae to appreciate. Owner, TW e-47l IT, MAttHIWS. Reerhwood. OWNKR TRANSFKKKLD 1 bedroom, Hi bath ranch: beautiful condition; full basem*nt with fireplace and recreation room: garage; sewers: aeume new F.H.A. loan.

Price 22.9. TW 5-23S7. Wm. J. Cooper.

Realtor TW 4-J427 "tt. MATTHIWS, 532 Marquette Dr7 $10,950 Modern, 4 bedroom bungalow redecorated throughout, atorm door and window, fenced yard, bus service. Immediate poaseaaion $1,300 down, TW J. Pltchford Co. TfTMATTMIWS 4ll BLENHEIM ROAD Whit brick on ahaded lot, 3 bedroom, l's baths, porch and garage; carpets, wonderful yard; 1.9i0 TW a-0050, Mrs Houston.

PACT. SFMOMV COMPANY JU 4-iM Realtora 451 Stark Bldg. ST. MATTHIWS, 304 Fatrlawn 1st listing: 5 room brick, potential 4 bedroom, basem*nt: walking distance parorhei. puhlie elemen-tary.

high school and shopping; $14,950 TW S-7H50. ST. MATTHIWS Area;" 501 "Wood 1 bedroom ranch stvle; paneled den with flreplare: F.H.A. appraisal Open 4 to I p.m. TW -9ti5.

ST. MATTHIWS, 3704 St. Cer-maine; atone and bnck: 3 mome down, 1 up; all large; full basem*nt: garage: best of locations. Fl.lNE KKAI.TY CO. TW 3-24M ST." MATTHIWS area; special; 309 Marshall by owner; 3 bedroom brick; dining room; fireplace; full basem*nt; aewer; SILOuO; Immediate no.sealon TW 3-721.

ST. MATTHIWS. Alton RnT Spaclou 1 bedroom home: bae. ment; sewers; garage; ,15,90. Air.

Mason. TW 3-59H. WM. COOPFR Realtor TW 5-2421 4311" Briarwood Rdt 3 bedroome, full basem*nt; fireplaces near arhool, bus; assume G.I. loan; owner.

TW 5-875. ST. MATTHIWS area, 201 Pleasant View; 3 bedroom brick home; near Baptist bemlnary, achools. TW a.aaiui ST. MAttHIWS, 3S3T6rmoncTlrJJT nice location, witn sewers, ones rooms, expansion attic; jour offer buya.

Agent. JU 2-2026. "TAYLOR BLVD. 30i2; brick; 4 rooms, porches, garage, basem*nt; good condition: a steal al fi 1.500 night. 51 4 A.

W. BR UNT Realtor JIT tAYLORSVILLI ROAD I blocks past Hurstboum t.ane. Thie rut stone ha so much to ofler for the money that you Just need to see it. Some Items are massiv paneled den, huge kitchen with built in range and oven: 1 bedrooms: lots of storage and carpeting. Call Mr.

Ussery. CF. 9-309J. PAUL SF.MONIN COMPANY JU 4-2373 Realtor 451 Strks Bldg. TAYLORSVILLI Rd.

Area, 4402 FIRST ofTEniNO-OPFf DAILY See the spacious, fraciou design ni ei, 3 hdpimm. 2 bath brick home, built by Bob Troutman. Fam ily kitchen, 1 fireplace, iuii oa-e- menl, Urge lot. Bill i-ippy A.n 1-T73 or office JU 3-fOet MiTMlNtXrH. Itt-ll abcuii II nii AREA 1 bedroom brick veneer; Hi tile full haaement: gaa heat; va cant; $1,000 down, balance to be arranged, sir.

Mine, ona. KITTL.B jlt.AI.lx EM -14 Reaitorg. "Rd. Area Excellent I bedroom rancn; laou square feet of living area, big kitchen with range, oven, refriger ator: It baths, oasemem, garage; McKlnnev, AN I-IKM. Ba 4i Weinberg Realtor CL 1 2w UTICA PIKE, Kewanna Dr.

know of no other home so complete and aparlous, providing gracious living for a large family, 4 bedroom Brick Colonial, 1 ceramic tile baths, formal dining room, 2 fireplarea. birch cablneta, central air-conditioning. Intercom ayatem with 4 atatlona, built-in oven and range, disposal, dishwasher, bar, recreation room In basem*nt, spa-clou closet. 1 cr garage. termg, Cora A.

Jacob Co Phone WH 4-4l4 nights BU J-325K VALLIY VILLAGE, 1504 Wlnstock, NOTHlNfJ DOWN, $15 month: like new, 2 bedroom ranch, carport; lot 70x400. F.M 1-0128. W. AUCH Realtor, EM M7. VALLIY Station, 9800 Anita; 1 bedrooms; fenced yard; amail down payment: assume CL loan; $72.40 month: owner.

WE 7-5104. VALLIY Station. 9610 El Prado; 1 bedroom, attached garage, as. time 44 loan. WE 1-1221.

VALLIY Station, 9401 Donerall Wav; 3 bedrooma, ly, baths, garage, tjjormsfenced. WE1-4I21. WISt End, 4111 W7" Broadway; home with Income; 3 apartments, live In one and let the make payments: Priced for Immediate ale. Trade for cottage. Bob Warren, KM I-JI08 C.

Robert Peter, Sr. Jr. Sth Reiltors JU 4-31W WIST END. 411 N. 21t; 1 beilroom frme; all large rooms; wall to wsJl carpeting; to school, churrhes.

nd nuieat: can vw mucci. GL II McDONOGH. REALTORS "WIST "END," north of Broadway, Cecil at Hlver Park for large family; I rooms, 2 bath, brick; well kept; down payment no object. FM or EM 1-2588. SOUTHLAND CO.

Realtor. WIST END; I roomfram; I baths:" large lol; thla home can be used as apartmenta or tor larg family; has been reduced for quick aale. R. J. Swope, t.M -4iw.

HUDSON Realtor. SP tV47t. WIST END; nice 1 bedroom brick; full baaement; aunroom: aide drive; garage and "torma: all In excellent condition. Mr or Mr. Goodwin, EM 3-4S80.

G. F. Rl'ISSOV, Realtor. WA 13071 WIST END: 343'i N. 2Sth cot-tag.

4 rooms, bath: price close to churche and school; low clown payment; assume loan: call Charle. Hill, JU 4-511; SP 10745. REALTY CO WIST END. 39lh 4 "becfroom frame: 1 baths; full basem*nt; gaa furnace; 1-car garage; asking Jlmml Candrup. JU 1-0294, SP 4-I4II.

McDONOfiH. REALTORS WIST END, Vermont. 4214; large rooms, bath, well decorated, large dormitory room tip; basem*nt, gaa furnace, near Shgwnee School. CH 5 5848. SP 8-0003 Robt.

Hattemer. Realtor WIST END, 43rd. N. 410: neat bed rooms, tile bath, dining room, full basem*nt, ga furnace, acreened large rear porch. CH -58t8.

SP 4-0003 Robt, Hattemer', Realtor. CL l-KHS Kealtor JU 1-sXM.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.